Total-Body Detoxing Methods
Cranberry juice has antibacterial properties that help prevent urinary track infections in those of us who are prone to urinary tract infections. Properties in cranberry juice keep bacteria responsible for UTI's from adhering to cells and the linings of the urethra and bladder. It also has diuretic properties.
Cranberry juice helps our kidneys pass bacteria out of the body. The acid content of cranberry juice also renders bacteria inactive because bacteria cannot survive an acid environment. Cranberry juice is naturally tart and some companies add sugar to sweeten the juice. If you are on a diet or a diabetic, diet cranberry juice is effective, or add it to ginger ale or soda water to sweeten. Drink two 6-ounce glasses of cranberry juice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
Constipation occurs when toxins due to medication, surgery and diet clog up the colon. Prune juice is a natural bowel stimulant and has vitamin A, iron and potassium. One cup a day should help when irregularity strikes. Prune juice is safe for children in small amounts.
Many nutritionists tout aged garlic extract (AGE) as the one food that does help detoxify the body, specifically the liver and because of its antiviral properties, protects against viruses. Garlic is one of the best protections against environmental toxins because of its natural anti-apoptosis properties, which prevent cell death. Studies also indicate garlic may protect against some cancers. Taking garlic in small doses that add flavor to food dishes is not effective, but aged garlic extract supplements found in health food stores and drugstores are the best source of this wonder food.
Eat green vegetables for chlorophyll, which helps in detoxing the body. Chlorophyllin, the main ingredient in chlorophyll, is found in green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach protects the liver from aflatoxin, a cancer-causing mold found in small amounts in peanuts, pecans, corn and certain oils such as cottonseed. The Food and Drug administration is aware of this carcinogen, but feel it is in too small amounts to be concerned.
High incidents of liver cancer in China and Africa due to ingestion of aflatoxin spurred several medical studies to find the cause and determine intervention. According to a 2005 article in The Lancet, studies undertaken in Africa found intervention methods at the post-harvest level decreased the level of exposure to aflatoxin and reduced the incidents of liver cancer.
Acai Berry
Detoxing and detox products are the new health rage today. Look at how many emails you receive extolling the wonders of acai, a fruit from the acai palms in the rain forests of Brazil. The acai fruit is filled with antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fat for the heart, but no studies have proven that acai products produce amazing weight-loss results. The Mayo Clinic states that acai diets offer no benefits in weight loss.
It is better to go to a health food store for fresh acai fruit as it spoils easily. Antioxidants can be found in a variety of fruits and vegetables and rid the body of free radicals, which are highly reactive particles that cause damage to cells when exposed to toxins in the environment.