Differences Between Celiac Disease & Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Celiac Disease
Celiac Disease (CD) is caused by gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in some grains. When ingested, it causes a toxic reaction that damages the intestinal lining. It can result in malnutrition due to the intestines not properly absorbing nutrients from food. It also causes gastrointestinal symptoms that are similar to those of IBS.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is a functional disorder, which means that there isn't a physical problem that causes it. The intestines don't interpret and respond to the brain's commands correctly, resulting in symptoms.
Some individuals with IBS may be sensitive to gluten, but not have the extreme intolerance to it that those with CD have. People with IBS typically tolerate most grains well though.
People with CD have to cut out all foods with gluten to lessen the long term damage it causes.
According to the Celiac Disease Foundation: "If CD is left untreated, damage to the small bowel can be chronic and life threatening." CD can lead to others diseases as well.
Prevention is the best course of action for both disorders. Finding out the foods that trigger severe IBS symptoms greatly improves the quality of life for individuals. Eliminating gluten prevents irreparable damage to the digestive system and also improves the quality of life for individuals with CD.