Diet Treatment for Stomach Ulcers
Small Meals
Eating five or six small meals each day is an effective diet treatment for stomach ulcers. This allows less food to be in the stomach at one time, which aids in digestion and keeps stomach acid under control. Eat each meal at the same time every day. This trains your digestive tract to only produce acid and enzymes when you consume food.
Increase Fiber
Fiber assists digestion, helping to break down and pass food from the stomach in a proper amount of time. Fiber also helps acid move from the stomach faster, which is beneficial because the longer acid sits in the stomach, the more it can irritate ulcers. Fresh vegetables and fruits are the best natural sources of fiber. Add fiber supplements for optimal digestion.
Avoid Fried and Spicy Foods
Many people find that ulcers are worsened by eating certain foods. Fried foods contain an abundance of grease, which can increase the severity of an ulcer. Foods that are loaded with spices, such as various peppers (black, red and cayenne), garlic or chile powder, may aggravate a stomach ulcer. Do not eat these types of foods while treating an ulcer.
Avoid Caffeine
Avoid caffeine and carbonated beverages such as soft drinks and coffee. These drinks cause excess gas and stomach acid, both of which aggravate the ulcer and worsen its symptoms. Water is the best option when suffering from an ulcer, as it helps neutralize the acids without further irritating the problem.
Include Dairy Products
Dairy products neutralize the acids in the stomach. Consume three to four servings of dairy each day for best results. Low-fat and fat-free choices are best because they are easier for the stomach to break down and digest.