Colon Walls Cleaning
High Fiber Diet
A diet that does not contain enough fiber and water can create problems with elimination. Without adequate water and fiber, stool is small and hard. This is difficult to pass, causing your muscles to strain. High-fiber diets create bulk, stimulating the muscles to move the stool through the colon and out with less effort. Consuming more fresh fruits, vegetables and cereals high in fiber can help clean the walls of your colon. You can also use a dietary fiber supplement to increase your fiber consumption and help regulate bowel movements.
Exercise is a natural stimulant for bowel movements. By creating a regular cycle of bowel movements, you improve your muscles' function to eliminate waste, helping to keep your colon walls clean. If you are not very mobile, don't feel like you need to do an hour of aerobics to accomplish this task. A walk around the block may be enough to stimulate your bowels regularly.
Colon Cleanse
There are many cleansing diets on the market. Most of these diets use a liquid detoxification method to eliminate fat, proteins and preservatives from your diet. By removing them, your body is able to metabolize what is stored in your cells, releasing the toxins along the walls of the colon and flushing them out. These cleanses vary in their protocol. The Master Cleanse is a lemonade diet. There are fruit juice diets and other cleansing diets that use protein supplements to make sure you have adequate amino acid nutrition. Check with your doctor prior to doing a cleansing diet to make sure you are healthy enough to do one.
All methods discussed so far attach the colon walls from the top down. An enema works from the opposite direction by forcing liquid at a low pressure into the rectum. This stimulates the muscles and induces a bowel movement. Some enemas contain herbs to help loosen the stool stuck on the colon walls. Your body can become addicted to an enema. Therefore, do not use enemas as a daily means of bowel excretion. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns about the use of an enema.