Diet to Cure Flatulence
Foods that Cause Flatulence
One of the best ways to cure flatulence by using a diet is to avoid the foods that cause the problem in the first place. Many gas-producing foods can irritate the digestive tract. These include cabbage, eggs, beans, cauliflower, radishes, apples and even bananas. Carbonated soft drinks can produce gas, as can drinking beer. In those who are lactose intolerant, drinking milk and consuming dairy products can cause gas to occur. Limiting or avoiding these foods all together can cut down on the amount of carbon dioxide that is produced in the body, which leads to gas.
Eating Habits
The way you eat is more important for flatulence than you may think. Eat slowly, and chew your food well, so that the intestinal tract can more easily break it down. Constipation is one cause of flatulence, so it is best to try and keep the body regular by eating a lot of fibrous foods. Consume at least eight glasses of water every day, so that the movement of the bowels stays regular, which leads to less flatulence. Those who are obese may also have more of a problem with gas, so a healthy diet and calorie restriction should be maintained every day as much as possible.
Home Remedies
There are a couple of home remedies that can also help with the reduction of flatulence by diet. Garlic is a natural herbal remedy that suppresses the bacterial growth within the colon, which leads to less flatulence. Add more garlic to your diet, or even take it daily in capsule form. Peppermint tea may also be drunk as a solution to gas, as can chamomile tea. Another homemade remedy is this: take a slice of ginger, dip it into lemon juice and eat. This is said to cure the annoyance of flatulence.