Cures for Bloating During Menopause
Lifestyle Changes
Smoking actually decreases the level of estrogen that the body produces. Though difficult, it is highly recommended to quit in order to alleviate weight gain and bloating. When the body stops ovulating, the ovaries do not produce the same level of estrogen. This causes the body to try to find estrogen in the fat cells, which it can produce. In order to have enough estrogen, the body will actually start converting more calories to fat to try to produce the same premenopausal amount. Women should eat five small meals a day to keep their metabolism from slowing down. When many women begin to have weight gain during menopause, they subject themselves to crash diets. These diets usually promote eating a small amount of carbohydrates. However, as soon as a women begin eating any carbohydrates they will gain water weight. They can get most of their carbohydrates from whole grains. Foods like whole grains pasta, whole wheat bread, flaxseed and brown rice are very helpful to avoid bloating.
You would be amazed with the amount of salt in processed food. Most people eat over their recommended salt allowance. Salt is in canned goods, fast food, frozen food, snacks and condiments. Refrain from eating prepared food. Cuisines, such as Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Indian, and Mexican have a lot of sodium. Women should eat a diet of raw fruits and vegetables. Also, they should not salt your food. There are spices at the grocery store that are salt-free. Most prepared spices like taco seasoning, Cajun spices and dressing mixes have too much salt in them. Condiments, such as soy sauce, ketchup and ranch dressing, are brimming with sodium.
Gassy Foods
Cutting out gassy foods will help alleviate bloating. Internal gas comes from foods, such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cheese, cabbage and legumes. Many can tell the difference just after a few minutes of eating these foods because their pants become tighter and they feel extremely full. On the other hand, bananas, peanut butter and grapes actually reduce gas and promote digestion. Likewise, women can take an over-the-counter gas reducing pill like Gas X after consuming a gassy food. Also, women should drink at least 12 8 oz. glasses of water a day to flush out excess water and toxins. Menstrual bloating does not have to cause pain. By making the recommended changes, women will feel like their old selves again.