The Best Method to Relieve Constipation
Fiber Supplements
Poor diet or inadequate fiber is partly responsible for constipation. Easing distress and restoring your bowel routine involves adopting healthier eating habits and receiving the recommended daily dose of fiber--between 20 and 35 grams a day. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains are fiber-rich foods. And regular consumption of these foods softens stools and relieves constipation. Along with better eating habits, take a daily fiber supplement to promote a healthy digestive tract.
Engage in Physical Activity
Exercise or being active is another effective remedy for constipation. Movement encourages digestive health. And participating in physical activity such as exercise or sports stirs the intestinal tract--which prompts a bowel movement. Exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes a day can relieve chronic constipation and stop future occurrences. Fitting choices include aerobics, running, walking or swimming. Start slowly, and gradually increase to 30 minutes a day. Talk with a doctor before starting a workout program.
Drink Plenty of Fluid
Drinking an inadequate amount of fluids also plays a role in constipation. Being dehydrated reduces the amount of fluids in your intestinal tract. Insufficient fluids slow intestinal activity and results in hard stools. To remedy this problem, increase your intake of fluids--such as water, juice and decaf teas. Liquids keep the body hydrated and soften stools. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. These beverages can cause dehydration and worsen constipation.