Natural IBS Relief
Relieve Symptoms With Fiber
A fiber-rich diet improves digestive health. To relieve symptoms of IBS, evaluate your diet to see if you're consuming the recommended daily dose of fiber (20 and 35 grams a day). Different types of foods contain fiber such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and cereals. Constipation is a common sign of irritable bowel syndrome, and this condition is characterized by the inability to pass soft, regular stools. Increase your fiber intake to ease constipation, or take fiber supplements to promote digestive health and relieve IBS.
Watch Your Diet
Altering your eating habits can also provide natural relief from irritable bowel syndrome. Specific foods and drinks can bring on symptoms of IBS. Relieving symptoms involves identifying these foods and eliminating them from your diet. Trigger foods might include carbonated drinks, caffeine, artificial sweetners, dairy products and certain "gassy" foods such as cabbage, broccoli and beans. Avoiding these foods can improve your symptoms. If you can't eliminate certain foods from your diet, visit a health foods store and purchase digestive enzyme supplement. Take the supplement before consuming food and milk products to prevent symptoms.
Improve Mind and Body
Being physically active may also improve IBS symptoms. People living with irritable bowel syndrome normally encounter altering episodes of diarrhea and constipation. With constipation, regular exercise stimulates intestinal contractions, which encourages the movement of bowels through the intestinal tract. On the other hand, if you're dealing with diarrhea, relaxing and learning ways to deal with stress can slow intestinal contractions and stop loose bowels. There's a link between stress and IBS. However, you can ease stress and gain relief by adopting stress management techniques--which includes regular exercise, finding a hobby, getting a massage or practicing breathing exercises.