Left Colon Cancer Symptoms
The large intestine, also known as the colon, can be divided roughly into two parts: the right, or ascending colon; and the left, or descending colon. The right colon is larger in size and diameter than the left colon and passes on the mainly liquid contents it has received from the small intestine. The left colon is smaller in diameter, and the matter that passes through this portion of the intestine on its way to the rectum is semisolid. The difference between the size and matter in the two portions of the colon results in different symptoms when cancer is present.
Left colon cancer symptoms
Because the left colon is the narrowest portion of the large intestine and contains more solid matter, a cancerous tumor in this area of the colon is more likely to result in a bowel obstruction, whether partial or complete. Individuals with left colon cancer typically experience severe constipation, bloating, sharp abdominal pain, diarrhea and bright red blood in the stools, which are often small and narrow.
General colon cancer symptoms
Individuals with left colon cancer experience not only the symptoms characteristic of a problem with that particular portion of the large intestine, but also a number of distinct general colon cancer symptoms. These include unexplained and unexpected weight loss, extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting, a dramatic change in bowel habits and the sudden development of anemia.
If your physician suspects you have left colon cancer, there are three main tests used to confirm the diagnosis: colonoscopy, barium enema, or sigmoidoscopy. The colonoscopy is the most common, as well as the most definitive, and involves inserting a colonoscope into the rectum and colon to search for polyps and tumors and to take tissue samples. A sigmoidoscopy is similar to a colonoscopy, although a sigmoidoscopy cannot be used to take samples and can only view the lower portion of the colon. A barium enema is performed by injecting the contrast dye, barium, into the colon and using an x-ray to view the inside of the intestines.
All colon cancers have the potential to be life-threatening. If you are experiencing any left colon cancer or general colon cancer symptoms, seek medical advice as soon as possible. The key to fighting cancer effectively is early and prompt diagnosis and treatment.