Side Effects of Mineral Oil Laxative
Mineral oil is used as treatment for constipation. It can be bought over the counter without a prescription. Mineral oil works by coating the inside of your intestinal surface. The stools hold water and they move out of the body more easily. Mineral oil should not be used long-term as a laxative.-
Do not use mineral oil if you have inflamed bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease. Using mineral oil can exacerbate the condition, which can lead to abdominal cramping, bloating, nausea and vomiting and soreness. According to the American Cancer Society, taking mineral oil within two hours of eating food or taking vitamins or medication.
Children under 6 and the elderly should not take mineral oil. According to the Mayo Clinic, young children and the elderly are susceptible to developing pneumonia from inhaling oil droplets. Pregnant women should also abstain from using mineral oil. Using mineral oil while pregnant will prevent the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Long term use of mineral oil while pregnant can lead to fetal bleeding.
Common Side Effects
The most common side effects of using mineral oil are cramping, bloating and nausea. If used for longer than a week, mineral oil can lead to a decreased bowel response, which means that you have developed a dependency.
Less Common Effects
Other side effects may include vomiting, though this is rare. Diarrhea can also occur. If mineral oil is taken in large quantities, it may leak from the rectum. According to the Mayo Clinic, mineral oil can interfere in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K.
Allergic Reactions
Allergic reactions to mineral oil are rare. Among the possible reactions are hives, rashes, difficulty in breathing and tightening of the chest. Bleeding of the rectum (due to cracks in the skin), swelling of the mouth, face, lips and tongue can occur. Mineral oil can also prevent you from having a bowel movement after six to eight hours of ingesting the laxative. If you experience any of these symptoms, speak with your health-care provider immediately.