The Best Remedies for a Sour Stomach
Have a Snack
When you have a sour stomach, eating something small can help absorb the acid in your stomach, alleviating the indigestion. Bland foods, such as crackers, work best. Acidic foods and sweet fruits can promote the acid, making you feel worse.
Consume Water
When the feelings of a sour stomach begin, try drinking a small glass of cold water. The simplicity of the water aids in digestion and does not further aggravate your discomfort. It is important to avoid caffeine and sugary drinks while feeling queasy. Sip the water slowly while sitting or standing. Avoid lying down while drinking.
Elevate Your Bed
When people lie down too soon after eating, the acid in the stomach may back up, resulting in a sour stomach. If this occurs, prop your head up on extra pillows to increase elevation. This helps keep the stomach acid from building up and makes for more effective digestion.
Antacids work by neutralizing the acids in your stomach. These should be taken with the first signs of heartburn or indigestion, as they take a few minutes to work. You can make an antacid mixture by adding 1/2 tsp. of baking soda to a glass of water.