Pinworm Home Treatment
Pinworm diagnoses usually requires a doctor. Pinworms are rarely seen outside of the body. Doctors use clear cellophane tape to take a sample from the anus and inspect it under a microscope. A single test may not be sufficient as the female does not lay eggs every night.
Pinworms can be treated with prescription or over-the-counter medications, such as Albenza and Pin-X. The medication may cause digestive problems or require multiple courses before the pinworms are gone. Consult with your doctor about side effects.
Mild infestations can be taken care of naturally. The pinworm life cycle is three to eight weeks long. If infected persons use proper hygiene, wash hands often, avoid scratching the anal area and wash bedding and clothing, then pinworm eggs will not make their way into the digestive tract to hatch.
Wash all clothing and bedding thoroughly to get rid of any lingering eggs during and after treatment. Eggs can live for weeks around the house so clean everything, including floors where pinworm eggs might mix with dust.
Wash hands after bowl movements and keep fingernails short and clean.