Diet to Rid Body of Yeast
Read on to find out how to prevent and heal from yeast infections.
What Causes Yeast Overgrowth
Yeast overgrowth can be caused by a variety of factors.
Stress: Whenever the body is under stress, the immune system is stressed as well. At these times, the body is unable to fight infections, including yeast infections, as well as it can during less stressful times.
Hormonal Imbalances: Anytime the body chemistry changes, yeasts have the opportunity to flourish. Birth control, antibiotics or hormone therapies can cause the kinds of changes that allow yeast infections to set in.
Improper Nutrition: A healthy body that is being given the right nutrients will be in a better position to fight off yeast infections. A poor diet, then, can sometimes leave the body in a place where yeast infections can set in. Eating disorders--eating too much or not enough--can create the same effect as a nutrient-poor diet.
The Right and Wrong Foods
One of the best ways to rid the body of yeast overgrowth is to make sure that you are putting the right foods into it.
Yeasts thrive on sugar, so refined sugars should be eliminated as much as possible. Sodas, candy, desserts and alcohol are definite no-nos when trying to rid the body of yeasts. Refined carbohydrates like white bread, pastas and white flour need to also be avoided.
In addition to getting the wrong foods out, you should also work to get the right foods in. Green vegetables like spinach, sprouts and broccoli serve two purposes in getting rid of yeast. First, they help the body regulate and eliminate sugars more efficiently, and second, they are vitamin powerhouses that help the body function better in general.
Adding Supplements
While it is best to get the vitamins you need from food, adding a multivitamin will help your body fill up on the nutrients you may be missing in your normal diet. In particular, extra Vitamin C can be helpful at killing yeasts and knocking back yeast overgrowths.
Apple Cider Vinegar: A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar a day can help regulate yeast in the digestive tract. Make sure to get apple cider vinegar that has the Mother in it. The Mother is the wafty, feathery like substance floating in the vinegar. You can take it straight, but if that is too much for you, try the teaspoon of ACV mixed in tonic water, ginger ale or clear soda to dilute the taste.
Acidophilus: Acidophilus is the type of good bacteria that can be found in yogurt. You can also find acidophilus by itself in pill form. These beneficial bacteria fight yeast infections by producing lactic acid, which is harmful to yeasts.