Hemmorhoid Cure
Lifestyle Changes
For mild to moderate hemorrhoids, lifestyle adjustments can sometimes eliminate the condition in a matter of weeks. A high-fiber diet can fight hemorrhoids by softening the stool and enabling the patient to defecate without excessive straining. People with hemorrhoids should avoid sitting on a toilet for extended periods of time or straining unnecessarily during bowel movements. The anal area should be kept clean using medicated towelettes such as Tuck's pads or moistened toilet paper. These steps can help to minimize irritation and swelling, and may cure hemorrhoids over time.
Home Treatment
Many over-the-counter hemorrhoid remedies are available, and include medicated pads, creams and suppositories. These may contain local anesthetics like benzocaine or steroids like hydrocortisone. Nutritionists often recommend dietary supplements including rutin, a bioflavinoid, and psyllium husk, a natural fiber source and stool softener. Over time, these home remedies can fully eliminate hemorrhoids and their symptoms.
Surgical Procedures
For severe hemorrhoids, a doctor may recommend minimally invasive surgical procedures, including rubber band ligation, injection or coagulation. These low-risk procedures are done on an out-patient basis and are usually associated with few side effects. When these surgery methods are ineffective, doctors may prescribe more drastic measures, such as hemorrhoidectomy, which involves the removal of hemorrhoidal tissue. Some surgeons may also use a stapling procedure to end blood-flow to hemorrhoids.