Fast Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis
Because inflammation triggers symptoms of ulcerative colitis, doctors generally prescribe medications designed to decrease intestinal inflammation and ease symptoms. Anti-inflammatory drugs commonly prescribed include corticosteriods such as prednisone. When a person doesn't respond to these medications, another type of drug--immunosuppressants--are often prescribed. Unlike anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants suppress or slow the immune system. Thus, your body stops attacking its own tissues or organs. This response helps stop inflammation, which relieves symptoms of ulcerative colitis.
Modify Your Diet
Like most digestive diseases, your diet can significantly affect your condition. Certain foods trigger inflammation and discomfort. Fast treatments for ulcerative colitis involve pinpointing foods and beverages that worsen symptoms. Foods known to aggravate symptoms include dairy products such as milk, cheese and ice cream. Eating these foods can produce uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, abdominal bloating, cramping and diarrhea. You can choose to eliminate dairy or milk products completely, or experiment with a digestive enzyme supplement to help you digest lactose.
Decrease Anxiety
Worrying and being anxious doesn't cause ulcerative colitis or other digestive diseases. However, being on edge or constantly worrying can intensify symptoms. Another fast treatment involves learning how to control stress and anxiety. Several techniques are available such as breathing techniques, regular exercise, proper rest and avoiding certain habits such as procrastination. If unable to relax your mind, consider taking a natural supplement such as St. John's wort or Sam-e, which naturally balance moods and reduce stress. Talk to your doctor or a pharmacist before taking natural supplements. These can reduce the effectiveness of certain medications.