Relief for Stomach Ulcers
Acid Blockers
Drugs are prescribed by physicians to help with ulcer relief. Most of these drugs can be purchased over-the-counter like Zantac and Prilosec. Zantac and Prilosec block acid from forming in the stomach. Excessive acid can irritate an ulcer causing a burning sensation in the stomach. Acid also makes the ulcer hard to heal. Zantac is taken twice a day at 150 mg for those with stomach ulcers. After the ulcers have healed, Zantac is then taken once a day to prevent an ulcer from reoccurring. Prilosec is taken at 40 mg once daily for 4 to 8 weeks and is used for short term in treating stomach ulcers.
Bacteria known as H. pylori infection is the main cause of stomach ulcers. H. pylori enters the body through contaminated food or drink and penetrates the lining of the stomach. Once the bacteria has entered the lining of the stomach, it becomes weakened. Stomach acid and pepsins irritate the weakened lining forming ulcers. Blood tests are done to check for the H. pylori bacteria. If the bacteria is present, antibiotics are prescribed like amoxicillin or clarithromycin, sometimes both, in conjunction with an acid blocker. Antibiotics are taken for about 2 weeks to get rid of the bacteria.
Lifestyle Changes
People who have been diagnosed with stomach ulcers can make changes to their lifestyle. If you smoke, quit. Smoking prolongs healing of ulcers and is a factor for reoccurring ulcers. Avoid stress because this causes high production of stomach acid which irritates ulcers. Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption especially if the ulcer is severe. Caffeine and alcohol stimulate stomach acids and can cause irritation to an ulcer as well. When irritation of the ulcer becomes severe, pain, burning and bleeding may occur.