Natural Herbal Cleansing
Signs You May Need an Herbal Cleanser
If you are having stomach discomfort such as constipation and irritable bowels, acid reflux or headaches, these may be signs that you need an herbal cleansing. Complaints of always being tired, gaining weight and acne breakouts may also be signs. Using the cleanser to get rid of extra waste and toxins may help with these conditions.
Types of Cleansers
Herbal nutritionists advise that when a person is undergoing the cleansing, the dieter should cut out all processed foods, refined sugars and flour. Consider not using substances such as caffeine, alcohol and tobacco while on this program. Some users of the cleansing therapy adhere to a strict raw food diet or liquid fast.
There are different ingredients used to detoxify the intestines and colon. Cleanses use bulk-forming fibers such as psyllium husks, flax seeds, and fruit pectin in conjunction with natural herbs. Some of the herbs used are fennel seed and cascara sagrada. The herbs and fibers are available in pill form or mixed in water or juice. Some people administer the cleansing in an enema version.
These ingredients usually make a person produce several bowel movements a day to expel the extra waste and plaque. Because not all cleansing products are the same, you should research each ingredient to find out what the function is of each individual herb. You can find natural herbal cleansing products in health and vitamin stores.
Overall Benefits
Herbal cleansings provide a variety of health benefits. Proponents of colon cleansers believe the cleansing process helps to improve conditions such as liver function, yeast infections and energy levels. Benefits also include better elimination of waste products, clearer skin and mood balance. Cleansing is also supposed to help lower blood pressure by improving blood flow and circulation.
As with most alternative and natural health items, the Food and Drug Administration has not approved or certified cleansing products as a form of medical treatment. Individuals using cleansings should be aware that the ingredients come in various strengths and amounts. Side effects may include stomach pain, cramping and headaches. You would need to drink plenty of water and other liquids to stay hydrated. Consider taking a multi-vitamin every day to ensure the body does not lose necessary nutrients.