Natural Bowel Cleansing Recipe
The ingredients required to complete Dr. Clark's bowel cleansing regimen include turmeric caplets and Lugol's Iodine, also known as Lugol's Solution, which consists of iodine, potassium iodide and distilled water. You will also need to purchase fennel capsules, any brand of digestive enzyme caplets you can find at your local drugstore or grocery store and freeze-dried black walnut caplets. If you can't find these items at your local grocery store, you can find them at online health food stores or heath food and vitamin stores worldwide.
Before taking any of these items or eating or after using the bathroom, dip your hands in a solution of one drop Lugol's Iodine per cup of water. This will sterilize your hands. Keep the solution at your bathroom and kitchen sinks and remember to dip your hands in it after washing them. Set aside in the refrigerator a solution of Lugol's Iodine that is six drops per 1/2 cup of water that you will drink throughout the day. You can eat as you normally would while taking this regimen, but don't eat anything that would ordinarily upset your bowels, such as large amounts of dairy if you are lactose intolerant.
How Often to Take It
Four to six times a day, drink 1/2 cup of the Lugol's Iodine solution in the refrigerator. Take two capsules of turmeric and two capsules of fennel three times a day, four capsules of the digestive enzyme all together at lunch, and two black walnut capsules before bed. Continue this regimen for about two weeks, and determine if you are feeling any better. If you are feeling better, continue the regimen for one more week. If you are not feeling better, discontinue the regimen and see a doctor to further address your bowel problems.