Foods That Prevent Gallbladder Attacks
Food to Avoid
According to How To Prevent Gallbladder Attacks Naturally, you should avoid foods high in fat and cholesterol. Reduce your intake of red meat, whole milk, cheeses, eggs, coffee and carbonated beverages. Identify any food allergies you may have because they can trigger gallbladder attacks. Avoid large amounts of sugar. Most attacks are triggered by a lack of food tolerance in the body.
Replacement Food
Try low-fat food such as 2% milk. Use soy based foods to replace red meat. Drink natural fruit juice or eat fresh fruit. Include fiber rich foods such as grain or fresh vegetables. Choose low-cholesterol food to replace fried food, or olive oil instead of salad dressing.
Eat 4 or 5 small meals rather larger meals in fewer sittings. This allows the body to properly absorb nutrients and keeps metabolism consistent. Do not eat before bedtime, even if the food is in the accepted category; this does not allow the body to metabolize the food quickly enough before going into a rested state and can cause a buildup of fatty acids. Incorporate 2 liters of water into your daily diet.
Nutrients and Nature
Incorporate nutrients such as omega-3 into your dietary intake; this can be done by eating broiled or baked fish. Add lecithin and herbs, which can help drain bile and reduce stress on the gallbladder. Dr. Ronald Hoffman suggests using artichoke or dandelion extract, which also helps eliminate bile. These added nutrients can also help eliminate smaller gallstones and prevent future attacks. Look for foods containing taurine, an amino acid, which binds bile salts and helps speed up their elimination. Fish and chicken are good sources of taurine.