Constipation and Bloating Relief
Beyond Prunes
Prunes contain high amounts of potassium that stimulate the colon lining to help produce bowel movements and create relief. If you don't like prunes, don't worry; there are many fruits and vegetables high in potassium that can work the same way: broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower and cucumbers, as well as ripe bananas and pineapple. Also make sure you are eating a diet high in fiber, including whole-grain cereals and breads, which help to add bulk to stool and move it through the intestinal tract.
Herbal Remedies
If your fruit-and-vegetable-rich diet is not working, but you want to continue with natural methods, use herbs such as aloe, senna and frangula, found at health food stores. These have shown great success in dealing with constipation and bloating. You can also use flax seed and rhubarb, which possess laxative properties. Smooth Move tea is an herbal tea that aids in releasing gas and bloating, and stimulating bowel movements.
Exercise increases blood flow to muscles and warms them. This can help stimulate the abdominal muscles to move the stool out. You may also want to use a warm compress to alleviate the cramping. Many find that a warm bath will relax the rectal muscles enough to be able to move. Add baking soda to the bath to maximize effectiveness.
Other Remedies
You can take over-the-counter laxatives to gain relief. Enemas and suppositories are also effective. Neither of these methods should be used excessively. If you are still constipated after using one of these methods as indicated on the package label, seek medical attention immediately.