Bloating Prevention
Avoid Sodium
Avoid eating more than 1500 milligrams of sodium per day. According to Rebecca Park-Stinson of, sodium causes bloating because it helps retain extra water inside of you, making you bloated. Avoid salting food or eating food that goes over the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 1500 milligrams.
Avoid Gas-Causing Foods
Avoid foods that cause excess gas. Excess gas becomes trapped inside the stomach, causing gas-related bloating. Foods that cause excess gas include broccoli, baked beans, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, corn and soy.
Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Avoid food sweetened with artificial sweeteners. According to, artificial sweeteners cause bloating around the midsection. Common types of artificial sweeteners that cause bloating include sorbitol and maltitol.
Stop Smoking
Smoking causes bloating. According to the Mayo Clinic, smoking contributes to bloating by increasing the amount of air you swallow. Reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke reduces the amount of air you swallow, thus reducing the risk of bloating.
Stop Drinking Sodas
Stop drinking carbonated beverages. Carbonated beverages form air pockets in the digestive tract, causing bloating. Reduce the amount of sodas you drink to prevent bloating. This includes diet sodas, regular sodas and decaffeinated sodas.