Bowel Detox Diet
To cleanse the bowel thoroughly. Go on a three-to-five-day juice fast. Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily with 2 tbsp. of lemon juice and 1 tbsp. of aloe vera juice. Drink water that has been filtered to remove impurities. Drink juice at mealtimes. For best results, purchase a juicer and combine carrots, tomatoes, celery, cabbage and parsley to make a nutritious detoxifying drink. Buy carrot juice or a combination of healthy fruit and vegetable juice in the health food store if you do not have a juicer. Be sure juices contain no sugar or additives.
Raw Foods
Add raw vegetables after three to five days. Eat an entirely raw diet for the next three to four days. To allow for better processing by the bowel, mix the food in a food processor or blender. Eat vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and squash. Consume fruits such as apples, bananas, mangoes and grapes in the same way. According to, you should add psyllium seed, citrus pectin and husk to increase fiber intake and encourage bowel movements. These fiber additives can be found in most health food stores.
Drink herbal teas such as green tea, dandelion root and lemongrass to help the bowel to process waste more efficiently. Include chamomile and goldenseal tea for immune system function and bowel cleansing as well. Try taking an herbal mixture that contains ginger, rhubarb, garlic, senna, butternut, licorice and capsicum (reference 1). All these herbs can be purchased in a health food store.
Additional Tips
Eliminate all saturated fats, processed foods, sugars, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, drugs or anything that is not completely natural and raw from your diet during the bowel-cleansing period. In addition, eat plain yogurt for its probiotic properties, or purchase and take a probiotic supplement to assist in the bowel cleansing. An effective bowel cleansing may take three or more weeks to complete.