What Foods Can Cause Chronic Constipation?
Processed Foods
Certain processed foods make elimination difficult because they are more difficult to digest. These include refined white flour, white rice, sugars and pastries. Processed foods that have had fiber removed will also cause a slowdown in stool elimination.
High-Fat Foods
Foods that contain a high amount of hydrogenated fats and animal fat cause constipation because they are harder to break down. These include foods such as cheese, ice cream, fatty meats, whole milk, chips and pizza.
Sugary and Caffeinated Drinks
Alcoholic drinks, coffee, colas and processed fruit juice can cause constipation. Generally, drinks that contain a lot of sugar and caffeine will cause constipation.
Other Causes
Sometimes, constipation is caused not by what you ingest but what you don't. When people do not eat enough fiber or drink enough water, they can also become constipated, as these two act as cleanser that push out fecal matter. Not having enough exercise, ignoring bowel movements and stress can also increase the likelihood of constipation. Sometimes constipation could be a sign of another problem such as a lazy colon, food allergies, a reaction to prescription drugs, neurological disorders and laxative abuse.
Treating Constipation
To relieve and prevent constipation, people should eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other foods that are high in fiber content. They should also make sure to drink plenty of water and exercise regularly. Adding relaxation time to the day and finding time to respond to bowel movements will also help with preventing constipation.