Natural Detox for Candida
Internal Cleansing
Begin your natural detox for candida by cleaning out the toxic waste that has built up in your body due to your candida overgrowth. There are several ways to cleanse your body, including colon cleanses, juice fasting, drinking lots of water, exercising and taking supplements, such as garlic, astragalus, ginseng, tea tree oil, golden seal, Oregon grape root, caprylic acid, olive leaf extract and colloidal silver. You can also purchase phytochemicals and anti-microbial herb formulas that will help to decrease the active yeast in your body.
Start taking high-quality oral probiotics. Probiotics are dietary supplements that contain good bacteria that your body uses to thwart the growth of candida as well as to improve your digestive and immune systems. You will want to ensure that your probiotics include bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and acidophilus, which will promote and maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora in your body while you are detoxing.
The Candida Diet
You must begin to eliminate food and beverages from your diet that contain simple carbohydrates and sugar if you want to truly detox from candida. Even if you faithfully take probiotics and engage in several cleansing practices, your candida will not go away if you keep re-feeding it with the wrong foods. You should stay away from candida-fueling foods, such as fresh and dried fruits, vinegars, gluten-containing foods such as barley, wheat, oats and rye, all forms of sugar, mushrooms, fermented foods, alcohol, aged cheeses and chocolates and begin eating foods, such as lean proteins, vegetables, yogurt, eggs, seeds, nuts, oils and gluten-free grains.