How to Relieve Acid Reflux Pain
Many of those who have acid reflux pain have taken or take now over the counter drugs or even prescription drugs. This is okay for a short time, but all of the drugs have side effects, so they're not meant for long term use. While you use them short term you need to also be in the process of making lifestyle changes that can eliminate acid reflux pain for good.
My mother has acid reflux disease, so I'm well aware of it and what to do to get rid of the symptoms. She took Prilosec for a short time and it did help until we could make changes which take time, so patience is needed.
The very first thing that has to be done is to change the diet this includes drinks and all. Additionally, if you're over weight the fat needs to go, after my mother lost 28 pounds the acid reflux pain all but disappeared. You also have to find acid reflux triggers. A food journal works well for this.
The main foods/drinks that agitate are high fat foods including fried, foods/drinks, coffee, chocolate, caffeine and alcohol. The worst thing of all, however, is eating too much. Eat small frequent meals that consist of carbs such as bread, rice, pasta etc. Doing this also helps with weight loss by cutting calories.
After eating don't lie down for a couple of hours or if you do keep head and upper body upright. In addition, it also helps to keep moving about, up and down or maybe go for a relaxing walk. Also, there should be no strenuous exercise just before eating or right after.
Stress is another factor as we all know it can cause a multitude of health problems. While stress doesn't cause acid reflux it can aggravate it and then in turn creates acid reflux pain. Therefore, it's important to relax and not be anxious.
To keep the acid reflux pain at bay there are certain foods that are in the safe zone. They include, bananas, apples, baked potatoes, peas, carrots, lean beef, poultry and fish not fried, low fat dairy, bread, rice, pasta and salads w/low fat dressing. Water has proven to be the best drink.
Lastly, you still may have triggers that can cause a flare up. However, since my mother has changed her diet and lost weight it's been 6 months or more since we've seen any sign of acid reflux pain or symptoms.