Bowel Cleansing Prior to Surgery
The Days Leading Up to Surgery
In the two to three days before surgery, your doctor will recommend that you cut red items from your diet. You will also begin a mostly semi-liquid diet. Unlike the strict liquid diet the day before colon surgery, you can eat other easily digestible items such as mashed potatoes in the 48 to 72 hours before surgery. Confirm this with your doctor, though. Some patients must adopt the liquid diet up to three days in advance. Your doctor may also give you an oral antibiotic to take to prevent the risk of infection during surgery. In addition, you may need to stop taking certain medications, especially blood thinners and other medications that can increase the risk of bleeding.
The Day Before Surgery
On the day before surgery, your only meals will consist of an energy drink or shake (such as Ensure). Drink one shake in the morning and one around lunchtime. Later in the day, you can eat clear Jell-O and drink clear broth. At 4 p.m. you will begin to drink a laxative substance known as Fleets Phospho-Soda. Phospho-Soda will work to clean out your intestines completely. For your first dose of the Phospho-Soda, drink half of the 3-ounce bottle. You can mix the Phospho-Soda with clear substances such as water or Sprite. Do not mix the Phospho-Soda with anything red, orange or purple, as it can make visualization during surgery more difficult due to a possible resemblance to blood. Follow your Phospho-Soda with one quart of clear or lemon-lime Gatorade.
Soon after you drink the Phospho-Soda, your intestines will begin to clear. This means that you should be in a location with easy access to a toilet. Once the Phospho-Soda begins to work, you will be making frequent trips to the toilet until your bowels are mostly empty.
Four hours later (around 8:00 p.m.), drink the additional 1.5 ounces of Phospho-Soda and the remaining Gatorade. By this point, your intestines will already be nearly empty. Hydrate yourself for the next four hours. At midnight, cease drinking any liquids and eating Jello.
The Day of Surgery
On the day of the surgery, your colon should be completely clean. To ensure that the colon is empty, you may need to give yourself an enema in the morning, but this is not always recommended. Depending on the procedure and anesthesia, you may have to continue a 100 percent fast until the surgery is completed. However, the risk of dehydration may necessitate some hydration on the day of the surgery. You will usually receive an IV for hydration during the procedure as well. In addition, you should avoid taking any medications until after the procedure is complete.