Natural Cures for Digestive Problems
Bowel Problems
For constipation you can eat a diet high in fiber or take fiber supplements. Drinking plenty of water may give you some relief. According to James Scala, Ph.D., nutritionist, a glass of apple juice each day may help. It contains sorbitol, which acts as a laxative. For diarrhea, slippery elm bark may offer some relief. Slippery elm bark is a powder that you can purchase in health food stores. Dried blueberries may help, according to Varro E. Tyler, Ph.D., Purdue University. Two or 3 tbsp. should be sufficient. Eating a healthy, high-fiber diet, exercising regularly and drinking lots of water can help keep you regular.
Andrew Weil, M.D., professor of herbalism and director of the Program of Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, suggests chamomile or peppermint tea for relief of indigestion. Marshmallow tea, made from the herb marshmallow may also be soothing. Add 1 tbsp. of the dried herb to a cup of hot water and steep for at least 40 minutes. A teaspoon or two of slippery elm added to your oatmeal or a smoothie can also provide relief. Chewing sugar-free gum for about 30 minutes after a meal can help relieve heartburn by increasing saliva and repeated swallowing to flush acid from your esophagus. The foods that you know cause you the most distress should be avoided.
The first step in relieving hemorrhoids is to eat lot of grains and vegetables or take fiber supplements to bulk up your stools. Larger, softer stools are easier to pass and should not bother your hemorrhoids as much. Witch hazel or a salve of horse chestnut can give some immediate relief and also help to reduce swelling. An herbal sitz bath with dried comfrey leaves and of dried calendula flowers can soothe, reduce swelling and help heal your hemorrhoids. Steep 4 tbsp. of each herb in 4 cups of boiling water for a half hour. Strain the herbs and pour the mixture into a warm bath, then soak in the tub for 20 minutes.
Ginger is an effective treatment for nausea and motion sickness. A teaspoon added to a cup of hot tea may help. Crystallized ginger root candy may be found in health food stores. Cocculus, from the Indian cockle, can relieve dizziness caused by motion sickness. If the primary problem is nausea, Tabacum, from the tobacco plant, may help. It is available in 6c or 12c potencies (the "c" refers to a homeopathic concentration) and recommended dosages are found on the labels. Many times nausea and vomiting are the result of a viral illness and it must simply run its course.
Your gallbladder releases bile to help in the digestion of fat. Gallstones can form from a concentration of bile that crystallizes. If a gallstone lodges in a duct the result is extreme pain and surgery is often necessary. By eating a diet that is high in fiber and low in fat, you can help prevent the formation of gallstones. Reducing your intake of meat and dairy products, as well as fats and sweets, can help keep you free of stones.
Stress Reduction
Since stress may be a major culprit in many digestive disorders, you can relieve some of those problems by reducing your stress. Relaxation techniques such as practicing yoga, meditation or massage you can lower your stress level. Regular exercise can also help eliminate stress.
Some digestive symptoms and disorders may be a sign of a serious condition. You should consult with your health care provider before trying to treat these problems yourself. Some herbal remedies may cause adverse reactions with medications. Check with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you to use these herbs.