Ways to Cleanse Your System
Fruit is a natural laxative and contains many vitamins and minerals. Natural fruit juice and fresh fruit can cleanse the body. The strongest fruits for detoxification are citrus fruits. Great ones to use are red grapefruit, oranges, tomatoes, mango, berries, pears and pineapple. For a fruit detox, eat nothing but fresh fruit for a couple of days. This increases hydration and allows your body to rid itself of anything else in the digestive tract. If you drink juice, make sure it is 100 percent juice with no sugar added. Try squeezing three oranges, two mandarins and a red grapefruit in a glass and drinking it for breakfast. Water can be added as long as it is pure and not flavored.
Water helps the body eliminate wastes. It keeps the digestive tract clean and is beneficial for the kidneys. Drink four to five glasses of water immediately when you get up in the morning and then drink water throughout the day. Avoid caffeine, which can dehydrate the body, and avoid other liquids. Make sure you have consumed several quarts of water, especially if the weather is hot. Water is also beneficial for the skin.
Herbal Cleanse
There are many herbal cleanses available on the market. This is another natural method to cleanse the body. An herbal cleanse comes in liquid form, and you will consume it several times a day; it will eliminate the toxins in your system much like the fruit detox. Herbal cleanses can be found in any health food store, online or at most major pharmacies. Brands include Herbal Cleanse and Herbal Clean.