What Are the Symptoms of Celiac Acidosis?
What is Celiac Disease?
Celiac disease is a condition affecting the gastrointestinal tract. For an individual with celiac Disease, consumption of foods containing gluten, a type of protein found in foods such as pasta and bread, triggers the body's antibodies to attack the gluten, resulting in damage to the small intestine. Symptoms of celiac disease are varied, but one possible symptom is a state of acidosis.
What is Acidosis?
Acidosis is a state whereby the pH balance of the body is somehow disrupted, and as a result, the body's chemistry shifts from neutral to acidic. Acidosis can be caused by a number of different catalysts, including respiratory conditions, diabetes, lactic acid buildup, kidney failure, and Celiac Disease. Symptoms of acidosis is cause for mild alarm, and should be immediately coupled with a visit to one's physician.
Symptoms of Celiac Acidosis
The symptoms of Acidosis include nausea, drowsiness, vomiting and breath that smells of acetone. Acetone is a naturally occurring chemical in the environment which is produced in the body as fat cells are metabolized. Acetone has a fragrant, minty odor that is quite distinctive. If left untreated, Acidosis can result in a number of complications.
Advanced Symptoms of Celiac Acidosis
The complications that can result from an untreated state of Acidosis include the following: (1) acute confusional state, whereby the individual can exhibit signs of disorientation, agitation and even hallucinations; (2) shortness of breath; and (3) hyperkalaemia, which is a state categorized by increased levels of potassium in the blood. As these are resultant states that can emerge upon an untreated bout of Acidosis, it is imperative that observation of any of these conditions result in a quick trip to the emergency room.
Diagnosing Celiac Disease is a difficult endeavor, due mostly to the wide range of presented symptoms. However, diagnosing Acidosis in an individual who is suffering from Celiac Disease is an easier task. When you, or someone you know, is suffering from Celiac Disease and exhibits any of the warning signs associated with Celiac Acidosis, do not hesitate in obtaining professional treatment. When left unchecked, Celiac Acidosis can easily blossom into a number of undesirable complications that are easily avoided with proper medical care.