Foods for Crohn's Disease
Flare-Up Foods
During a period of flare-up, individuals with Crohn's disease will find that their digestive tract responds better to foods with less fiber. Foods to incorporate include rice, crackers, baby cereals, oatmeal, cooked skinless potatoes, celery, yams, squash, eggplant and other mild cooked vegetables, apple juice, grape juice, or other fruit juices (except for prune), cooked unsweetened fruits, fresh melons and papaya (including the seeds).
Foods to avoid are broccoli, cabbage, kale or other cruciferous vegetables, beans (of any kind), lentils, whole grains and seeds. Raw fruits and vegetables should be avoided during a flare-up, with the exception of small portions of banana or apple. Other foods to avoid include dairy, fried foods, processed foods and refined carbohydrates.
Other Considerations
Drink your recommended daily requirement of water. Staying hydrated is an important step in preventing constipation. Be sure to ask your doctor about vitamin and mineral supplements, which are often necessary for individuals with Crohn's disease. Also, eat approximately six small meals throughout the day to support your digestive tract.
Aloe Vera is also recommended for individuals with Crohn's disease. It is an aid for softening the stool and digestive healing. Additionally, taking papaya supplements can assist the body in better digestion.