How to Relieve Chronic Constipation
Increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Whole grain bread and cereal, nuts, vegetables, oats, apples, and citrus fruits are only a few of the many foods that are high in fiber. Avoid processed foods and alcohol at least temporarily. Instead eat a natural diet that is freshly prepared.
Take a fiber supplement. By taking a supplement in addition to a high fiber diet you will be able to relieve chronic constipation quickly. Make sure to drink more water when you take a supplement because they can dehydrate your body.
Increase the amount of water you are drinking (even if you are not taking a supplement). If you do not like to drink water try a 100% all natural fruit juice. Chronic constipation is aggravated by dehydration making stools harder and more difficult to pass. Avoid drinks containing high levels of sugar, artificial sweeteners and sodas.
Use a colon cleanser (enema) which can be purchased from any local store or marketplace.
Go for a walk or participate in moderate exercise. This will stimulate the natural action of the intestinal wall, and can be beneficial for those who sit during most of their working hours.
Talk with your physician. For most people, this topic is embarrassing and difficult to talk about - even with your doctor. However, they may find a medical cause for the chronic constipation you are experiencing and find ways to remedy the situation.