Herbal Treatment for Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids and Their Common Causes
Similar to varicose veins, hemorrhoids form when veins around the anus and inside the rectum enlarge and lose their elasticity. Hemorrhoids may develop externally, internally or become prolapsed, meaning they collapse and protrude outside the anus. Clots that form around a prolapsed hemorrhoid will prevented it from receding inward and the condition may become very painful.
Hemorrhoids may be caused by long periods of sitting or standing. They may also form when constipation causes straining during bowel movements. Lifting heavy objects, violent coughing and irritants in the diet can also cause hemorrhoids.
Other factors that can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids are obesity, lack of exercise, liver damage and an insufficient amount of fiber in the diet. Common during pregnancy and after childbirth, the tendency to develop hemorrhoids may also be linked to heredity.
Herbal Treatments
Fill a bathtub with enough warm water to cover the affected area. Add 10 drops of tea tree oil to the water. A natural astringent, tea tree oil can be purchased at herb shops and many drug stores. Soak in this water for 15 minutes. For the best effect, this process should be repeated several times each day. After drying off, apply a few drops of tea tree oil with a cotton ball to the affected area.
Suppositories made with tea tree oil can help shrink swollen tissues. Applying Aloe Vera to the area several times a day is also recommended. Drinking 1 tsp. of aloe vera juice after each meal will help as well.
Instead of using toilet paper to clean the area, use witch hazel compresses. These will help shrink swollen tissues.
Dietary Changes
As foods such as mustard and red pepper may cause irritation of the tissue surrounding the anus, so try removing them from your diet.
Increasing your intake of roughage is important. A diet high in fiber will help to soften stools and make elimination easier. Foods that are recommended to accomplish this include bran, whole-grain breads, fruits (fresh or dried) and raw vegetables.
Drinking a combination of 6 to 8 glasses of water, juice and herbal tea is recommended. Walking one mile per day will help accelerate healing in digestion and elimination.