Signs & Symptoms of Antral Gastritis
Of all the symptoms for antral gastritis, indigestion is probably one of the more common. As inflammation sets into the antrum of the stomach, it can affect the process of digestion as well as the emptying of food into the intestines. This can cause a burning sensation customary with indigestion to form within the upper abdomen.
Often accompanying this indigestion is the symptom of nausea. When any sort of inflammation develops within the lining of the stomach, the body reacts by causing nausea, even when no food is present in this organ. This nausea ranges in intensity from mild to severe and can trigger some vomiting in the individual. As time goes by and the condition persists, a person inevitably begins to experience a loss of appetite. And in very rare cases, the vomit may actually contain traces of blood.
Since the inflammation is isolated within the lower portion of the stomach, the process of emptying food into the intestines can be greatly affected. This can cause a certain amount of undigested food to pass into this portion of the digestive tract. Once there, these substances ferment and release gases that produce bloating and flatulence. However, this inflammation can also cause a build up of excess air within the stomach itself, prompting belching or burping.
Besides the discomfort you feel from excess gas and bloating, antral gastritis can also cause another form of discomfort. This uncomfortable sensation often manifests at mealtime and is best described as an unpleasant fullness, even when you're unable to finish your meal.
Stool Changes
Though not nearly as prevalent as the other symptoms, antral gastritis has been known to cause changes in the stool. With this particular symptom, you may notice that your stool has become dark and tarry. This is an indication that some bleeding is occurring within your digestive tract, and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.