What is Candidas?

Candida albicans is a yeast that naturally grows in the body. This yeast, along with other micro-organisms, resides in the mouth, throat, intestines, genital organs and urinary tract, performing digestive function in the human body. About 80 percent of humans do not experience negative effects of Candidas in their bodies. At times, though, Candidas form holes in the intestinal tract, entering the bloodstream and infecting other organs. It can release 70 toxins as it spreads to other parts of the body.
  1. Candidiasis

    • Candidiasis refers to the condition occurring in the human body when the intestinal tract cannot control Candidas growth. The infections caused by Candidas lead to many minor and serious health conditions throughout the body. Some of these conditions include vaginitis, oral thrush, athlete's food, ringworm, diaper rash, muscle and joint pain, sore throats, kidney and bladder infections, colitis, and depression. People suffering from minor Candida infections recover after treatments that kill infections. Serious health conditions impair the immune systems of other people, leading to other systemic illnesses.


    • Candidas symptoms affect most of the organ systems, according to the website Holistic Health Solutions. Common symptoms of Candidas include abdominal gas, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, rectal and vaginal itching, cravings for alcohol and sweets, lack of concentration, mood swings, indigestion, acid reflux, premenstrual syndrome in woman, and chronic prostatitis in men. Symptoms in children include hyperactivity, learning disabilities and anti-social behavior.

    Dietary Causes of Candidas

    • Certain food creates a hospitable environment for the production of Candidas. Some of the food that encourages Candida yeast includes aged cheese, alcohol, chocolate, dried fruit, fermented foods, mushrooms vinegar, gluten-containing foods, sugar, honey, syrup, food containing yeast and mold, fresh fruit and peanuts. People need to monitor how their body reacts to eating these foods because many of them are a part of a healthful diet.

    Medical Causes of Candidas

    • Medical conditions, treatments and certain segments of the population cause Candidas. People with weak immune systems such a cancer patients receiving chemotherapy treatments, AIDS sufferers, infants, and diabetics are prone to Candidas infections. Oral contraceptives and corticosteroids cause intestinal flora in people talking these drugs.

    Foods that Fight Candidas

    • Dietary changes combat the Candida production in the body. Eating vegetables, including raw garlic, lean animal proteins, live yogurt cultures, acidophilus, green algae, whey protein, nuts other than peanuts, and grains that do not include gluten like millet, rice, rice bran, and oat bran. Live yogurt cultures help balance bacteria that forms in the human body.


    • The National Candida Center states that colon cleanses, fasting and detoxification programs treat Candida yeast infections. These treatments remove toxins caused by Candida from the body. Drinking lots of water and fresh vegetable juices naturally cleanse the body of waste products. Supplements such as grapefruit seed extracts detoxify the body. Regular exercise strengthens the immune system, making it less susceptible to Candida infections.

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