How to Beat Bloating
Things You'll Need
- Gas relief medication Laxatives Anti-inflammatory medication Peppermint tea
Try over-the-counter medications. Various gas relief medications are available to treat bloating. These treatments encourage gas to pass from your intestines and stomach, thereby relieving your bloating. You can find such medications in most drugstores.
Take a laxative. Since bloating is generally alleviated once a bowel movement is passed, a laxative is a solid solution to bloating issues. Drink plenty of water to encourage the bowel movement.
Try anti-inflammatory medication if your bloating is due to premenstrual syndrome. This will reduce swelling associated with PMS bloating. Ibuprofen is a good choice to treat PMS bloating.
Drink peppermint tea. This natural tea helps to relieve digestive issues, such as bloating. You may pass gas or have a bowel movement after drinking it.
Exercise. Cardiovascular exercise encourages healthy digestion, helping to relieve bloating. Aim for 20 minutes of regular exercise daily to keep bloating at bay. If you are currently bloated, try walking to alleviate the pressure.
Avoid foods and drinks that contribute to bloating. Fatty foods and carbonated beverages both cause bloating. In addition, beans, cabbage, broccoli, apples and peaches can also contribute to bloating. Because people often swallow excess air when they chew gum, avoid it altogether.
Reduce stress. Since stress is a cause of bloating, try to simplify your life. Practice breathing exercises and meditation techniques when you begin to feel overwhelmed.