Signs & Symptoms of Microscopic Colitis
No matter what form of microscopic colitis affects a person, he will typically suffer from chronic diarrhea. This is largely due to the inflammation characteristic in both conditions. As the inflammation develops, the way in which the colon contracts and relaxes undergoes a change. Instead of these two actions performing in time, the contractions will become far more prolonged and intense. This causes the stool to pass at an abnormally heightened rate. With healthy bowel movements, the stool moves through the large intestines where liquid is absorbed. This doesn't happen with microscopic colitis, causing loose, watery stools to be formed, sometimes to the point of incontinence.
Cramping & Pain
These prolonged contractions resulting from the inflammation can cause many people to suffer from cramping. As muscles contract for longer and longer periods of time, they can begin to experience a spasm. If this spasm is forceful enough, the muscle won't relax and it will suddenly turn into a cramp. This cramp is soon felt as a pain in the abdomen.
It is common for a person dealing with microscopic colitis to experience some level of bloating within the abdominal region. This is partly due to the lack of liquid absorption occurring within the large intestines. Many times, the accumulation of liquid can cause a person to bloat. And since absorption is impeded with these two conditions, liquid will inevitably accumulate. However, this bloating may also be due to the amount of intestinal gas building up in the colon. As food passes at a faster rate, there is the potential for some fermentation to take place within any substances that aren't fully digested. Fermentation causes gas, which can cause a person to bloat.
Another potential symptom of microscopic colitis will involve dehydration. As mentioned before, the inflammation occurring within the colon impedes the absorption of liquids. But this just doesn't cause diarrhea, it can also cause a person to become dehydrated as a result of a loss of liquid. If it's not absorbed back into the system, it is expelled in the stool.
Nausea & Weight Loss
Though not necessarily as prevalent as the other symptoms, people with microscopic colitis can also suffer from both nausea and weight loss. Nausea is simply a reaction of the body to the digestive changes taking place with the condition. Weight loss is also a reaction of sorts, but can stem from nutrients not fully being absorbed into the system as well as a byproduct of the nausea, prompting the individual to not eat as much as normal.