Remedies for Gas Problems
What Is Gas?
Gas occurs during the breakdown of food in the intestines and stomach. It consists of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and methane. The odor depends on the food that was consumed. Digesting fruit tends to produce odorless gas, while eating eggs and meat can produce unpleasant smells.
Natural Remedies
Ginger, which helps to alleviate indigestion and flatulence, comes in such forms as tea, tablets and raw. Fennel also helps reduce gas symptoms. Peppermint tea may also reduce gas pains. According to, the menthol in peppermint oil has an antispasmodic effect on the digestive tract, which reduces gas.
Gas Producing Foods
Highfiber foods often cause gas as they move through the intestines. A few of these include broccoli, beans, legumes and wheat-based foods. Other gas producing foods may include eggs, carbonated drinks and fried or fatty foods.
Over-the-Counter Treatments
Beano can be added to vegetables and beans to decrease the quantity of gas they produce. It must be taken with the first bite of food to be useful. Lactase supplements may help people who notice gas when they eat dairy products. They assist the body in digesting lactose, which can reduce flatulence. Popular remedies such as Gas X and Mylanta contain simethicone. This helps to break up gas bubbles in the body. Charcoal tablets, which also reduce gas, are sold at health food and drug stores.
Medical Conditions
Crohn's Disease, bowel obstruction and irritable bowel syndrome may all potentially cause excessive flatulence. Treating these conditions and avoiding foods that trigger flare-ups can alleviate gas. Consult your doctor about medications.