Signs & Symptoms of Low Stomach Acidity
People with hypochlorhydria often experience numerous digestive problems including bloating and gas in the form of burps or flatulence. Since the food you eat is not digested properly, it will instead ferment in your stomach, leading to these unpleasantries.
If you suffer from allergies, you might actually have low stomach acidity. Since food is so poorly digested with this condition, molecules of certain foods will get into your lower intestines, increasing the possibility of a negative immune system response.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Nutritional problems are one of the primary signs of low stomach acidity. The two major culprits are iron deficiency, or anemia, and B12 deficiency, both of which can make you feel weak, tired and fatigued.
In some cases, those with low stomach acid might suffer from a condition known as Gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD which involves stomach upset and the stomach acid actually rising into the esophagus, causing burning and pain in the area.
Quickened Aging
Since those with low stomach acid are so often nutritionally-deprived, they do not get the vitamins and minerals they need to maintain good health and youth. Because of this, many people with low stomach acidity might actually show signs of aging faster than those who absorb nutrients properly.