What Is Colace Used For?
A 1996 National Health Interview Survey reports that three million people in the U.S. suffer from frequent constipation. This condition affects mostly women and is very common during pregnancy, after childbirth, after surgery and in people over 65 years of age.
This survey also reports that Americans spend a total of $725 million annually on over-the-counter laxatives to treat this very common intestinal problem.
Colace is not a stimulant; it is an effective stool softener. The main function of Colace is to soften the stool and enable easier bowel movements without straining and discomfort. It may be used for occasional constipation, it may also be prescribed after surgery especially abdominal surgery or after a heart attack to prevent excessive straining and discomfort.
The effect of Colace usually occurs within one to three days after you start taking the drug. This stool softener increases the amount of fluid and fat the stool absorbs in the colon, and this makes the stool excrete more easily. It is important to drink a glass of water with each dose of Colace taken, along with increasing your fluid intake in general to get the best results and effects of Colace.
Discuss with your doctor any of the following situations you have before taking Colace: if you have nausea, vomiting and rectal bleeding, and if you are breast-feeding, pregnant or you are planning to get pregnant. Discuss with your doctor any medications you are currently taking, as this will avoid any drug interactions. Do not take mineral oil during your treatment with any stool softener.
Colace should not be taken if you are have an allergy to this drug. Do not take Colace if your are having abdominal pain of unknown cause. Instead, seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis of the cause. The pain could be related to appendicitis or intestinal obstruction. Store all medications in a locked cabinet out of reach from children.