Abdominal Pain Caused by Gas
Signs and Symptoms
The most common sign of gas is by its release. This can be done through belching or flatulence. When the gas is unable to be expelled from the body, there may be intense pain in your abdomen. This discomfort can be described as a sharp stabbing pain or cramps. You may also feel a knotted sensation in the center of your abdomen or as if your stomach is bloated due to gas.The symptoms easily be mistaken for other serious conditions depending on their location.
There are many causes of gas, many of which can lead to abdominal pain if the gas is forming faster than it can be released. Foods high in fiber are healthy, but if fiber intake is increasing too fast, it can cause you to experience excessive gas. Carbonated beverages also add more air inside your body that will later form into gas.
Many digestive problems, especially those that affect the intestines and colon, can be the reason for increased gas and abdominal pain. Constipation is one of the common causes of abdominal pain related to gas, as wastes cannot be eliminated from your body as they regularly should be.
Risk Factors
Those who consume a high-fiber diet are more likely to experience excessive gas and the abdominal pains it may cause, at least until your body is used to the increase in the nutrient. People with digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome may also have more gas than others.
Visiting a Doctor
There is nothing wrong with experiencing some amount of gas each day. Most people pass gas 15 to 20 times daily. When accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, your abdominal pain may be more than just gas. It may also be a cause for concern if the pain becomes too severe or prolonged that it interrupts your daily life.
If the reason for your gas is due to foods you eat, try watching your diet closely. Avoid the foods that can excessive gas and abdominal pain. Also, stay away from fried foods and temporarily reduce your fiber intake to help treat the problem. Limit your dairy intake.
There are also over-the-counter medications that can assist with your gas problems. Products containing simethicone, such as Gas-X and Mylanta, help relieve the gas bubbles still inside your body, and can reduce the excessive passing of gas.
Lifestyle Changes
There are small changes you can make to your everyday lifestyle to help prevent excess gas and abdominal pain. These include avoiding activities that could cause you to swallow more air than normal, such as drinking through a straw, chewing gum and eating too quickly. Try not to eat when you are too nervous or stressed, as these emotions can disrupt normal digestion.