Natural Cures for Receding Gums
Receding Gums
As we age, there is a tendency for gums to recede, making it important to take steps early to address the condition. Receding gums may be the result of missing teeth, so try to save natural teeth (opt for a root canal rather than extraction when possible). Receding gums can cause teeth to decay more rapidly.
Oral Hygiene
Begin a plan for a natural cure by putting a good oral hygiene routine in place. Floss regularly, and massage the gums with a product called "Stim-U-Dent" from your local pharmacy. Rinse with a dental product that removes plaque, followed by brushing with a soft-bristle toothbrush. Keep your toothbrush clean, and purchase a new one every month. Try different toothpastes, as some may cause gum irritation. Investigate natural toothpastes at your local health food store and avoid those that are loaded with chemicals. After brushing, use a "Waterpik" filled with water and a cap-full of an antiseptic mouthwash.
Vitamins and Supplements
Coenzyme Q10 (100 mg daily) can increase tissue oxygenation and reduce inflammation and pain. Vitamin C is long known in preventing periodontal disease and for healing. Take a vitamin C supplement that also contains bioflavonoids, which are food factors that are found in nature where vitamin C is present. These are known to retard the growth of plaque (plaque can harbor bacteria growth). Other vitamins that promote gum health include A, E and folic acid. Vitamin E capsules can be broken open and applied directly to gums. A multi-vitamin and mineral supplement should also be taken daily.
Beneficial Herbs
Drinking green tea can help improve gum health. Use sage to make a warm mouth rinse, which can help tighten gums. Tea tree has antimicrobial properties to fight bacteria (use 3 drops of oil mixed with water at room temperature to create a rinse). Boil white oak bark to make a mouth rinse, which helps relieve pain and promote healing. Apply aloe vera gel to inflamed gums. Rub a drop of clove oil on gums for pain relief. Wet a cotton ball with an eye dropper-full of alcohol-free goldenseal extract and place it directly on the gums. Goldenseal can negatively affect intestinal flora, so do not take it internally. Create a paste-like substance from echinacea, hawthorn berries, myrrh gum or rose hips and apply to gums. These can also be made into teas to drink.
Foods To Eat And Avoid
Avoid eating sugar, which can cause bacteria growth by preventing white blood cells from fighting them off. When possible, avoid taking antibiotics. Eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Do not drink coffee (even decaffeinated is off limits). Use a blender to make juices from vegetables and fruits.