What Are the Symptoms of Stomach Polyps?
Absence of Symptoms
According to the Mayo Clinic, stomach polyps won't cause any symptoms at all in most people. This is largely due to the size and severity of the polyps. When a polyp is small, which is the case for the majority of people, it won't cause a disruption within the functioning of the stomach or form into a lesion or sore.
Pain & Discomfort
When the stomach polyps grow larger or increase in number, the patient may begin to suffer from some pain or discomfort in the abdominal region. As the condition persists, the abdomen may become more tender than normal and develop a heightened sensitivity to touch.
Digestive Disturbance
For some people, polyps will cause nausea and intermittent episodes of vomiting. For others, stomach polyps will cause an increase in stomach gases, prompting an increase in both bloating and belching. Since the polyps are affecting the actual lining of the stomach, it is also possible for these protrusions to influence a person's appetite, making her experience the sensation of "fullness" sooner than normal.
If the polyps develop into lesions or sores, the individual can begin to notice the presence of blood in the stool or vomit. Depending on the severity of the lesions, a person's stool may become dark and tarry, which is an indication of internal bleeding from the ulcerated polyps in the stomach.
With some stomach polyps, a person can become increasingly fatigued. This would mostly happen if the condition spreads and polyps begin to develop further into the digestive tract.