Acid Reflex Home Remedy
Apple Cider Vinegar
A simple, yet effective remedy for acid reflux is apple cider vinegar taken undiluted or with some water. Take 2 to 3 undiluted tablespoons if you have an acute attack. Alternatively, stir 1 tbsp. of the apple cider vinegar into 1 cup water and take this on the onset of the first sign of acid reflux. You can also eat apples for a similar beneficial effect. Eat the apples with their skin still on, or incorporate them into dishes that you cook.
Cream of Tartar and Baking Soda
You can use cream of tartar and baking soda to formulate your own natural antacid remedy for acid reflux. Stir 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar and 1/2 tsp. baking soda into a glass of water. It's important to stir this solution until the baking soda and cream of tartar are completely dissolved. Drink a teaspoon of the solution as needed. The alkaline content in this solution will neutralize the acidic effect of backwashed stomach fluids.
Soda Crackers
Munching on soda crackers is another remedy for acid reflux. They help treat the symptoms of acid reflux by soaking up gastric acids in the stomach. Soda crackers also contain soda bicarbonate, which neutralizes these acids. You may also eat soda crackers or graham crackers for the same purpose. Keep soda crackers by your bed at night, and nibble on these if you feel the onset of acid reflux.
Starchy Foods
Complex carbohydrates such as potatoes, breads and pastas are starchy foods that you can eat as a simple home remedy for acid reflux. Starchy vegetables such as yams and legumes, as well as grain-based foods such as oatmeal, can also be eaten to treat acid reflux. Eating brown rice is another way to add complex carbohydrates as a remedy for this condition.
Blanched Almonds
Munch on a few blanched almonds in the morning, after meals or on the onset of the first sign of acid reflux. Chew them well. Blanched almonds help relieve the heartburn that accompanies acid reflux. Buy skin-on almonds from a health food store. Place 1 cup skin-on almonds into a boil. Bring 1/2 pan of water to a boil, then pour these over the almonds. Allow them to sit for just about a minute to blanch them. Drain the water and rinse the blanched almonds under cold running water. Pat them dry and then peel them. To do this, grasp one almond at a time between your thumb and forefinger, then slide off the skin from the wider end of the nut.
Chewing Gum
Chewing on sugarless gum after a meal is another remedy for acid reflux. Chew the gum for at least 30 minutes. This helps to increase the production of saliva, which works to dilute the acidic stomach fluids. You should also drink a glass of water a half an hour after a meal for a similar beneficial effect.