How to Cleanse a Toxic Colon
Things You'll Need
- Activated charcoal
- Psyllium husks
- Enemas
Prepare for a colon cleansing for 2 or 3 days prior to the experience. Eat small healthy meals and discontinue your daily vitamin regimen. Reduce or avoid consumption of chocolate, coffee and tea. Consider fasting for the day before the procedure begins by drinking only water. This will help to ease the discomfort of a colon cleanse.
Purchase the ingredients for the procedure. You can use 1 of a number of commercial colon cleansing products on the market or make your own with activated charcoal, bentonite clay and psyllium husks. Most health food and vitamin stores carry the ingredients.
Mix 1 tsp. clay or charcoal and 1 tsp. psyllium in an 8-oz. glass of water so that the ingredients dissolve. Drink the mixture 2 hours before or after a meal once daily for 3 days. Follow the colon cleansing drink with another glass of plain water.
Increase the number of glasses of cleanser to 2 a day on days 4 and 5. Drink the mixture 1st thing in the morning and before retiring at night. Continue to increase the colon drinks to 3 on the 6th day and 4 on the 7th day.
Plan to drink 5 glasses of colon cleansing drinks a day until you are no longer constipated or you feel relieved of the symptoms that prompted you to begin the process in the 1st place. Many people with bowel disorders may need to drink the mixture for 1 to 2 months, though most continue for about 2 weeks.
Complete the colon cleansing routine each day with an enema or colonic flush from a professional to make sure all the toxins are cleaned from the intestines and do not become circulated back through the body.