How to Identify Diverticulitis Foods to Help End Pain
Decrease Fiber
A low residue diverticulitis plan includes eating less than 10g of fiber per day. This will require you to pay close attention to which diverticulitis foods you are consuming. If you normally eat a diet high in fiber, you'll want to temporarily cut out some of these foods. -
Diverticulitis foods to eat include vegetables that are either cooked or canned without the skins. Eat vegetables such as skinless potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, zucchini, etc. You'll want to avoid vegetables that belong to the cruciferous family such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, etc. -
Diverticulitis foods to consume include lots of fruit and fruit juice. Avoid prune juice. Consume fruits that are very ripe, cooked, or canned without the skins. Eat apricots, peaches, canned fruit, melons, etc. -
Grain Products
When looking for diverticulitis foods to eat, avoid whole grains. Consume grain products including enriched, refined white bread, plain cereals, soda crackers, white rice, etc. -
Protein Sources
Include enough protein when on a diverticulitis diet. If you eat meat, consume well cooked lean protein sources such as chicken, turkey, etc. Eggs and fish are also great diverticulitis foods that are high in protein. Although it is recommended that you avoid nuts and seeds, there is no concrete scientific evidence proving that these cause attacks of diverticulitis. Cutting these out is up to you.