How to Flush the Colon to Keep it Disease-Free
Things You'll Need
- Herbal colon cleaners
Drink plenty of liquids. Using water to flush out the system is a popular method for cleaning the entire body. But also beneficial for flushing out the colon are vegetable juices, fruit juices and herbal detox teas. The important thing is to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of healthy liquids each day to hydrate the body, dilute any toxins, and flush out debris.
Go on a fast. Fasting can be done for a one day, one week or one month. The longer fasts should only be done under medical supervision. The body is self-cleaning but the digestion of food utilizes a lot of energy. With a fast, the body can use this energy for repairing and cleansing itself naturally.
Eat more fiber. Fiber is necessary to the diet because it adds bulk to wastes and helps to relieve constipation. Whole grains, fruits and green vegetables are all high-fiber foods which should be added to the diet to promote regular bowel movements. If you can't get enough fiber from the foods you eat, there are fiber supplements like FiberCon.
Use herbal colon cleaners. Herbal colon cleans contain several herbs that increase the frequency of bowel movements. All herbal formulas are different and some are proprietary so the ingredients are not revealed, but herbs often used include aloe vera, dandelion root, charcoal, garlic and ginger root. These herbs stimulate the muscles of the intestine. This brings about contractions that push the wastes through the colon and out the rectum. Many companies now make herbal cleaners that are available in health food stores.
Try over-the-counter drugs. While herbal colon cleansers are generally safer for the body, they don't work for everyone. Some people may need drugs to clean out the colon. Every drugstore sells laxatives, suppositories, stool softeners and enema kits. These OTC remedies approach colon cleaning differently, but all can be effective in bringing about a bowel movement. With these drugs it is important to follow the instructions carefully. A few products to consider are Correctol, Fleet, Dulcolax, Colace and Haley's M-O.
Consider colon hydrotherapy. This is a medical treatment that literally flushes out the colon. Warm water is forced into the intestines to loosen up the debris and wastes that are in the colon. Only a trained colon therapist should perform the procedure which involves inserting a tube into the rectum which is attached to the machine that pumps the water. If the colon hydrotherapy is not properly done it can damage the rectum and lower intestines.