What Are the Causes of Sour Stomachs?

Symptoms associated with chronic or occasional sour stomach vary in severity, but remain consist regarding type. A list of common symptoms is provided to determine if your symptoms are consistent with sour stomach.
  1. Main Causes

    • According to Ratnakar Kini, M.D., "The two main causes of sore stomach are H.pylori infection and intake of NSAIDs (painkillers)." Sufferers who experience chronic sour stomach should consult a physician to determine if other causes, such as viral infections, granulomatous diseases, eosinophilic gastritis, alcohol and radiation, are possible. A diagnostic test will determine if a bacterial imbalance or infection is present and what medicinal remedy should be administered.


    • Sour stomach, or indigestion, as it is also known, is a condition characterized by such symptoms as bloating, feelings of fullness and excessive burping. Nausea and heartburn as well as abdominal pain can also occur. Certain triggers can aggravate the condition including certain types of medicine, certain foods and failure to allow proper digestion before sleeping or becoming very active.


    • Sour stomach can last for several minutes or several hours, but the symptoms should not persist over several days. Sufferers may experience an ease of symptoms and then experience a new case of sour stomach by triggering new symptoms or experiencing a reaction to certain types of medications. In this case, the sufferer should determine his triggers and work with a physician to avoid the trigger(s) and/or use medication as necessary to prevent a flare up.

    Fun Facts

    • According to Johns Hopkins Health Alerts, one-fourth of American adults suffer from some degree of indigestion. In fact, about 70 percent of patients who seek medical attention do so for gastrointestinal complaints. According to the site, women are more likely to suffer from the condition; however, men are not immune from experiencing sour stomach as well. Older adults are less likely to experience sour stomach as reported cases dramatically lessens among older populations.


    • Chronic sour stomach may be the result of a larger health problem including stomach cancer, a bacterial infection in the digestive track, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or stomach ulcers. Any such condition should be diagnosed and treated by a physician with proper medical and behavioral changes prescribed based on the health and age of the patient. Never treat chronic sour stomach with over-the-counter aids without first consulting a physician.

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