What Are the Causes of Belching?
Excessive Gas
According to the Mayo Clinic, certain foods, especially those high in fat or carbohydrates, can cause excessive intestinal gas. This build up of gas is very unpleasant and can sometimes lead to severe discomfort. Because certain foods digest more slowly, the stomach can feel bloated and sore, leading to the expulsion of gas. Belching is a common way of releasing this gas, and this release is often involuntary.
Swallowing Air
According to the American College of Gastroenterology, aerophagia, which is the swallowing of too much air in a short amount of time, can cause air to build up inside the stomach. As a result, belching is sometimes necessary to release the excess air. A person usually swallows this excessive amount of air without realizing it. The faster a person eats or drinks, the more air is swallowed. Other causes of air swallowing include chewing gum, using a drinking straw and wearing loose dentures.
Anxiety is linked to numerous digestive issues, from heartburn to stomach ulcers, but anxiety can also cause belching. The body may react to stress by digesting food more slowly, which can lead to intestinal gas and belching. Also, anxiety can cause involuntary air swallowing. It is important to relax to alleviate the adverse physiological side effects of anxiety.
Soda is a popular beverage, but the Mayo Clinic cites that its carbonation can lead to a build up of air in the stomach. It sometimes only takes a few small sips to lead to belching. The combination of drinking soda, swallowing it quickly and using a straw can easily lead to excessive belching.
Some people have a habit of belching, particularly if they have suffered from digestive problems in the past. Children who belch for fun can also develop the habit and do it without even noticing. This, however, is a habit that can be stemmed once it is recognized. Because it is considered a social faux pas to belch in public, this can certainly be considered a bad habit.