Home Remedy for Intestinal Parasites
Traditional remedies are presented to eliminate a broad spectrum of intestinal parasites. These remedies include apple cider vinegar, garlic, a homeopathic remedy and a powerful tincture, the recipe for which is provided. These remedies are very safe for most people.
Basic Information About Intestinal Parasites
Intestinal parasites deprive the host body of necessary nutrients and can be the undiagnosed cause of a variety of different diseases. The infected person may experience a number of different symptoms, including, but not limited to, digestive upsets, weakness, fatigue and anemia. It is also possible that an infected person may display no symptoms whatsoever.
Human beings can acquire parasites from contact with infected animals or fecal matter, poor hygiene and hand-to-mouth contact. Parasites can also enter the system by the ingestion of uncooked food that is infested with parasites, mishandled food or contaminated water. Once parasites have found a host, they lay eggs and increase their numbers.
Since, in many cases, there no way to know if a person is infected with intestinal parasites, it is important to frequently cleanse the system. Since there are many different kinds of intestinal parasites, a variety of remedies can be used to eliminate different ones.
A Simple Home Remedy
One of the simplest methods of keeping the body free of intestinal parasites is to get into the habit of ingesting one tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water every day. Apple cider vinegar has the added advantage or keeping the body in a healthy alkaline state.
The most powerful apple cider vinegar is that which also contains the mother. This kind of apple cider vinegar can be obtained at many health food stores. Be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after drinking apple cider vinegar to avoid erosion of tooth enamel.
A Reliable Folk Remedy
Garlic is a well-known folk remedy for a wide variety of ailments including intestinal parasites. Its active constituent is allicin. To use fresh garlic as a remedy against intestinal parasites it is important to crush release the allicin by crushing the garlic.
Take one fresh garlic clove per day to eliminate parasites. Release the active constituent by crushing the clove in a mortar and pestle or simply place it on a clean cutting board and press against it with the blade of a dull knife. Swallow the clove whole.
It is also possible to obtain commercial garlic capsules. Some of these have the advantage of containing parsley to help control the odor of garlic.
A Classical Homeopathic Remedy
Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine developed by Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century. Homeopathic remedies are becoming more commonly available in health food and organic grocery stores. They are also available for purchase from numerous stores on the Internet.
According to Boericke's "Homeopathic Materia Medica," the remedy antimonium tartaricum rids the body of intestinal parasites. Follow the directions on the bottle. Homeopathic remedies are not drugs and are unlikely to have any drug interactions or negative side effects.
A Strong Tincture
This remedy is a powerful, broad spectrum anti-parasitic. You can make it yourself, bottle it and store it in a cool, dark place for up to two years.
You will need a quart jar, vodka, distilled water, storage bottles (preferably 2 oz. amber dropper bottles) and a strainer.
Obtain two to three tbsp. of each of the following dried herbs: Wormwood, cloves, and thyme.
If possible, find a black walnut tree, harvest the walnuts when they are still green. Wash then peel the green part of the hull off of four or five walnuts. Be sure to where gloves when handling the walnuts as they will stain your hands.
Fill a clean quart jar half way with vodka. Add the wormwood, cloves, thyme and walnut hulls. Fill the jar the rest of the way with distilled water. Tighten the lid. Place this solution in a warm place where the direct sun does not hit it. Shake the jar once every day for two weeks.
After two weeks, strain the liquid into storage bottles. The best kind are blue or amber glass bottles. You can purchase these at many health food stores or recycle your old tincture or vitamin bottles.
Dosage: 2 ml or 15 drops of this tincture taken three times per day, either under the tongue or in a cup of water, will kill parasites. It is preferable to take this remedy for 2 to 3 weeks. Then discontinue for a 4 to 6 weeks before taking it again.
All of these are remedies for intestinal parasites and are safe for most people. The exceptions are sensitive individuals who may have an allergic or other negative reaction to alcohol or any of the other ingredients in the tincture.