What Causes Rectal Itching
Hemorrhoids are one of the leading causes of rectal itching. Hemorrhoids are caused by straining during defecation because of constipation. While some episodes of hemorrhoids are easy to treat with over-the-counter medications including rectal hemorrhoid suppositories and creams, other forms of hemorrhoids such as thrombosed hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids that cause the skin to protrude even after the hemorrhoid has been treated) and chronic hemorrhoids may require surgical removal. To prevent rectal itching related to hemorrhoids, use gentle, moist toilet paper or even medicated wipes to cleanse your anus and rectum after a bowel movement.
Pinworms are skin infections caused by infections that spread eggs around the skin of the anus and rectum. Although a more common problem in childhood, adults can also contract pinworms. If you suspect pinworms may be causing rectal itching, use a small piece of transparent scotch tape on the rectum overnight. If the tape contains white-colored eggs the next morning, schedule a visit with your doctor to treat pinworms.
Constipation causes rectal itching due to skin inflammation caused by hard, dry and large stools that are difficult to pass.To avoid constipation, add fiber to your diet in a combination with the foods you normally eat and dietary supplements and be sure to properly hydrate your body. If these methods for treating constipation fail to work, consider using laxatives, suppositories and enemas for short term relief.
Tight Pants
Wearing tight pants can cause rectal itching. Certain fabrics such as denim, cotton and silk can cling to the skin. When you sit for long periods of time, the fabric tends to bunch in the back causing irritation to the delicate skin of the rectal area. If you must wear tight clothing, try using an anti-itch powder to avoid the unpleasant symptoms of anal itch.
Jock Itch
Jock itch is a fungal infection that thrives in warm, moist environments. Men are particularly susceptible to jock itch, especially those who work outside in the heat or work in multiple layers of clothes in the winter as well as those who compete in athletic events during the sweltering heat of the summer. To prevent jock itch, use a little baking soda or absorbent body powder in your underwear each day.
Yeast Infection
Rectal yeast infections can be found in men as well as women. The same type of yeast bacteria that cause vaginal yeast infections can also cause anal and rectal yeast infections. Prevent rectal yeast infections by thoroughly washing the area with warm water. Treat rectal yeast infections by using an anti-fungal yeast infection cream or suppository intended for rectal yeast infections.
Ingrown Hairs
Ingrown hairs can occur in the anal region just as in the pubic region. Ingrown hairs in the rectal area can cause severely irritating itches. To prevent ingrown hairs in the anal area, do not remove the hair. If you must remove the hair in your rectal region, treat the itching with an anti-itch cream that is safe for peri-anal use.